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A community support project for vulnerable local families

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Russian Rouble

In anticipation of our 10th Celebrate Kids event, we are aiming to raise £10,000 for the ministry in just 10 days! Various team members and supporters are undertaking personal challenges, so that as a team we can get 1,000 people to donate £10 each. Reaching this goal would enable us to provide an amazing range of enriching activities including:


Three FREE holiday clubs throughout the school holidays 
Two FREE weekly after school clubs 
One FREE Youth Space for teens 


Some of those challenges include:

Phil: "Ten minutes per Tenner". Phil is going to kick-start our fundraising by providing the entertainment on our Launch Day at Christ Church on the 10th August. He will be immersed in a bath of baked beans on the Christ Church lawn for 10 minutes for every £10 our team receives in donations. If we raise enough, we could leave him in there all day!


Lydia: "Ten Tedious Tasks". Every day during our challenge Lydia will complete a requested tedious task by a donor (eg. ironing, dog walking, admin jobs you haven't gotten around to!). Every donation to her page gets you 10 chances for your task to be chosen!


Scott: "From Christ Church to Christ Church in Ten Days". Scott is aiming to walk 100 miles in just 10 days (roughly the distance from our venue, Christ Church in Park Wood, to Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford). Quite a challenge for a man with a history of broken leg bones!


Selena: "Quitting in 10". Selena, a smoker for most of her life, is going to go cold turkey for the full 10 days of our challenge, no nicotine replacements or cheating allowed! (We are hoping that this might be the start of her giving up smoking for good!)

Rosemarie: "Silence is gold-ten". Rosemarie is going to complete a sponsored silence, for every £10 donated on her page she will be silent for another hour.


Roy: "Lop off the Locks". Anyone who knows our Roy, knows that he has a glorious head of flowing locks. Roy has often stated that nothing would get him to cut his famous hair, until now! He has agreed to brave the chop to raise funds for our children's ministry. If we get enough donations, he will go as far as a short back and sides!! The largest individual donor will have the honour of taking the clippers to Roy themselves.


Choose who to support with your £10, or donate to the whole team here: 


Donation pages will go live on the 10th August, and we will be sharing regular updates of our running total over the 10 days until they close at midnight on the 19th August. Wish us luck!

A5 printable C10 Launch flyer.png

Find out more about Celebrate Kids by watching our video below:

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