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A community support project for vulnerable local families

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Cartoon Camp

We wanted to provide a space where dads/father figures and their children can have fun together, form friendships, and build community. 


Who Let The Dads Out is a movement created by Care for the Family, which we are hosting in Park Wood at Christ Church, Wallis Avenue. 

These spaces are created purposely for dads, or whoever fills the role of a male role model in a child's life, to spend quality time with their child. This could look like playing board games, making crafts or just playing with toys in a friendly and informal atmosphere. It also provides dads with the chance to get to know each other, and build peer support and friendships. 


Our Who Let The Dads Out team is made up of all male dads/role models too, it is a group created by men for men.


And if we haven't convinced you yet, there are bacon butties for the grown ups and snacks for the kids! We just ask for a small contribution of £2 per family to help cover our costs.


Our upcoming dates are listed below. Come along, we would love to see you there! 

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If you would like to know more please get in touch!

Email or call 01622 910077 to speak to Scott.

Upcoming date:

back soon!

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